Saturday, March 13, 2010


Spring Break! It's Party Time!

Well, it's party time if your definition of "party" is: lots of time around the house playing with two kiddos, and completing some of those many projects needing attention. Yes, I am taking the week off from work, but no, we are not going anywhere exciting.

Unfortunately, my son got in trouble at school near the end of the week, so is starting out his spring break "on restriction" from TV, video games, and friends. He has been up for all of 1 hour and is already complaining. Never fear, my dear legions of readers. I am developing a chore list for him to start earning back privileges. If I can survive all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that will ensue when he sees the length of this list, we will be all good. (Did I mention that he got in BIG trouble at school?)

Anyhoo, I have big dreams for the amount of tasks I am going to accomplish this week. Job number 1 is to complete my entry way makeover. I forgot to take "before" pics until I had already stripped down most of the circa 1980 green and gold tapestry wallpaper. This picture is of the end of the entry that still had the wallpaper up when I remembered to take the picture.

(I just pasted in the before pic, in the wrong place. I can't figure out how to move it, because I am the World's Most Inexperienced Blogger. Oh well. Good thing I am not a Type A personality.)

So. My plan is to paint the walls a lovely mushroomy light brown, paint the closet door white, replace the door hardware, and put up this AWESOME vinyl wall decor thing that I ordered from Etsy. Then I need a new table. Not sure how that's gonna happen on my current budget, but I'll worry about that later.

I'll post the After picture in a few days. Yes, I will! (Or, at least an In Progress picture. Gotta keep those goals attainable, right?)

So, Happy First Day of Spring Break, everyone!

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